Testoxyl Cypionate 250

46.00 USD

Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, India
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Pack: 10 ml vial (250 mg/ml)
Classification: Injectable Steroids
Drug Class: Androgenic Anabolic Steroid
Active Half Life: 7-8 days
Dosage: 300-1500 Mg/Week

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Testoxyl Cypionate 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India Testoxyl Cypionate 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India Testoxyl Cypionate 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India Testoxyl Cypionate 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India Testoxyl Cypionate 250 - Testosterone Cypionate - Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Detailed


A slow-acting injectable ester of the main male androgen testosterone is called Testoxyl Cypionate 250 (also known as testosterone cypionate). The primary anabolic hormone in men, testosterone, serves as the standard of comparison for all other anabolic/androgenic steroids. The potential of testosterone cypionate to strongly encourage increases in muscle development and strength makes it a favorite among athletes, as it is with all testosterone injectables. It's noteworthy to note that despite the availability of numerous different steroidal substances since the introduction of testosterone injectables, bodybuilders still regard them as the primary bulking supplement. There is little doubt that these, including testosterone cypionate, are some of the most potent mass-produced pharmaceuticals on the market. A carboxylic acid ester (cyclopentylpropionic acid) has been added to the 17-beta hydroxyl group in testosterone cypionate, a modified version of the hormone. Less polar than free testosterone, esterified versions of the hormone are also more slowly absorbed from the injection site. As soon as the ester enters the bloodstream, free (active) testosterone is produced. In comparison to injections of free (unesterified) steroids, esterified versions of testosterone are intended to extend the window of therapeutic activity after delivery. This allows for a less frequent injection schedule. After injection, testosterone cypionate has a half-life of about 8 days. The body easily converts testosterone to estradiol through aromatization (estrogen). This testosterone metabolism is carried out by the enzyme aromatase (estrogen synthetase). Increased water retention, an increase in body fat, and gynecomastia are a few of the negative impacts that elevated estrogen levels can have. As a somewhat estrogenic steroid, testosterone is well known. To avoid estrogenic adverse effects, it may be required to take an anti-estrogen such as Clomiphene citrate or Tamoxifen Citrate. An alternative is to use an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex (anastrozole), which inhibits the manufacture of estrogen and controls it more effectively. However, compared to anti-estrogens, aromatase inhibitors can be relatively pricey and may potentially have harmful effects on blood lipid levels. An antiestrogen or aromatase inhibitor may need to be used in conjunction with testosterone cypionate at higher doses (beyond normal therapeutic levels) to prevent estrogenic adverse effects from occurring. Higher doses of testosterone cypionate frequently cause water retention and loss of muscle definition; hence, they are typically not recommended for dieting or cutting phases of training. Because of its moderate estrogenicity, it is more suited for bulking phases, where the additional water retention will boost raw strength and muscle development and create a more powerful anabolic environment.

Testoxyl Cypionate 250 Reviews

Jun 20, 2023 (06:25)

For me Kalpa’s testoxyl cypionate is the best from I have ever tried. Would definitely buy again.And the guys here are good, one pleasure to order from them

Mar 3, 2023 (20:27)

Testoxyl Cyp from the Kalpa brand is my all-time favorite because it is an excellent product for fantastic growth and exploding libido. You're not getting the most value for your money if you're not using Kalpa.
My experience of ordering with these guys has been amazing very attentive to detail and very responsive.

I really recommend them

Mar 20, 2022 (02:52)

I've used testoxyl for 10 and 12 weeks while stacking it with Dbol and Trenboxyl Enanthate. Increases have amounted to about 25 pounds.

Extremely pleased with the purchase.

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